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Stella Hanan Cohen

Candied pumpkin-“Dulce de kalavasa”

Amber, luscious, candied pumpkin steeped in a ginger syrup with crunchy toasted almonds-“Dulce de kalavasa” is a much loved Rhodesli sweet .

It is splendid as a topping on cakes or simply served with Greek yogurt for a quick dessert.

As the festival of Purim approaches we recall the traditions of the Sephardim of Rhodes Island. One of the most beautiful customs of our Sephardic folklore is the offering of sweet treats to any guests throughout the year.

On Purim the exchange of sweet treats abound referred to as “Platikos de Purim” - platters of sweet treats. This included Boulokonio, Baklava, Biscotchos , halva, Lokum, candied fruits and a plethora of sweet indulgences.

Another custom was for parents to gift some money to young kids known as “Purimlik”.

Made this festival be a joyous one or as we wish in Ladino “Purim alegre y dulce, ke gozen kon gusto!”

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