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  • Stella Hanan Cohen

Borlotti Beans Simmered in a Tomato Sauce

Barbunyas kon salsa di tomat

A simple dish of pink mottled borlotti beans, simmered until tender and creamy textured in a fragrant vegetable and fresh tomato sauce.

This no-frills dish is the epitome of comfort food paired with a rice pilaf and crusty bread.

My parents served it with extra-virgin olive oil, thickly sliced red onions and with lemon wedges (extra lemon squeezed over food is a predilection of the Rhodeslis ....).

When in season, I like to use fresh borlotti beans from my garden or from the farmers market and simply add them to the prepared tomato sauce and cook gently until tender.

Rustic and healthy, food really doesn’t get any better than this especially with winter approaching.

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